for Your Sector
Public Sector
We are suppliers to the public sector and regulated under the G-Cloud Framework. While this should not be seen as a qualification in its own right, it does provide some assurance that an admission process has been applied and significantly worthwhile and enforceable terms and conditions that support a Public Sector organisation put in place.
Admission to the G-Cloud frameworks is non-trivial. This framework was specifically designed for instances where commercial grade cloud hosted software and services are appropriate.
Niche Served "Value for Money" Cloud Apps, security appraisals
and Cloud hosting of those Platforms
While ground-up bespoke systems can bring advantages, unless a full Business Analysis exploration with a team of BA’s has been undertaken it is unlikely that a suitable detailed specification exists. Occasionally we come across proposals to use some basic components, unfortunately, those proposing this approach are frequently unaware how much risk it carries from the GDPR perspective, from being locked into a poor solution that no one else can maintain or cost and schedule overrun.
We operate in the market segment where the risks of significant overspend or time slippage outweighs the gains hoped for from a fully bespoke system. Usually, the risk that a system won’t deliver at all, or delivers an insecure solution, forcing managers to look away are such that the commercially reusable platform is a better choice.
Commercially reusable platform’s are ones where 80% to 90%+ of the required functionality already exists in a secure and mature product. The next 10 or 20% are achievable via custom written extensions etc. This is usually low risk work since the core is stable.
Our security appraisals are suitable for regular platforms built to commercial standards. Although we have access to those appraising military grade systems, and subscribe to the security tooling designed and maintained by these companies we could not accept work at that level.